We'll show 'em. No reporting. No editing. No headlines. No crawl text. Would a full 24 hours without journalism make any statement at all? It certainly would make it so that:
* Bloggers (Yes, I realize the irony here) and local news stations would have to scrounge for their own material
* The breakfast table would have more awkward conversations
* People would have far less to read/talk about at work
* People would be far more productive at work
* Stranded airport passengers would all be talking on their cell phones at once
In all seriousness, though, we're so used to constant news feeds that a daylong drought would be quite noticeable. If you think about it, one news cycle carries a substantial amount of information. Falling behind a day is enough to make a person feel out of touch. If Joni Mitchell's right and readers don't know what they've got 'til it's gone, maybe this is actually worth a try?
(illustration courtesy of Centennial Society)
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